Archive for January 2013


January 23, 2013

The book of roo



Hi all I know its been awhile since I wrote anything, again!! LOL, but I wanted to make sure this post was perfect! I dont know if any of you seen my announcement a few days ago, but I started a new page on THE-BOOK-OF-ROO and I announced that id be and I quote “spicing things up a bit” LOL and what I meant by that is this, I have created a page, dedicated to interviewing different Christian singers, producers, writers, and pretty much anybody that I could think of that has been in the Christian, music or writing industry and people that have inspired me

I will be interviewing them via Email and Skype, my first interview is via Email, and as of right now im blogging all these interviews, but eventually I will be making a podcast, where I will be doing these interviews on a podcast and I cannot wait for that, but as of right now, I know im not fully ready for that step yet, so ill be posting the interviews in a regular blog format for now, but no matter if I blog or podcast, everything will still always be located on this THE-BOOK-OF-ROO website.

As you all know I have always loved music, especially Christian music and anyone that knows me knows how music has always been in my heart, but even though I loved music and even though yes I do occasionally sing in churches I knew music as far as singing or even writing music, was not in the cards for me, people in churches would ask me all the time, why I dont try writing or even recording songs, and I would just laugh, because honestly I didn’t know how to answer them, because even though I loved music and had a heart for it, I knew as far as singing or being “A SINGER” it was not part of the destiny GOD had for me, but yet I knew music would be a part of my destiny, I just could never figure out how.

It was not until I started THE-BOOK-OF-ROO and really, I hate to bring her name up again, but yes im going to LOL When I met Beckah Shae and her and her husband made that video and I started getting connected with other people in the music industry that I realized the plan GOD had for me and how music fit in to all of it.

GOD truly is amazing, because people that I never thought in my wildest dreams id be connected with and even be featuring on my website, have now agreed to be a part of what im doing and are allowing me to feature their music and, or, testimonies on my site, and I was just sitting here thinking, wow how amazing is it, that im interviewing all these people, when there are people traveling all over the country, the world even, trying to hunt these singers and producers and artists down to get them to agree to doing the things im doing, and here I am little old Jackie that never even had to leave her bedroom to set this all up LOL.

Its amazing im interviewing people like Rachael Lampa, Jonathan Thulin, Beckah Shae, Paige Armstrong or her newly married name Paige Omartian and i’ve got others too, but I cant give away all my surprises now can I LOL. My point to saying all this is that when GOD places a dream inside of you, you have to keep fighting for what you know GOD has a pointed you to do, or be.

which is why I chose the perfect artist as my first person to Feature and interview. My very first interview is with, DRUM ROLL PLEASE LOL, I would like to introduce rapper, writer, and producer SEAN GIACHETTI OF ROCK WATER RECORDS!!!


Sean is 23 years old or as he made sure to tell me 23 in a half LOL years old, Christian artist and the reason I chose him as the first person to be featured on THE-BOOK-OF-ROO is because not only is he a strong passionate and faithful man of GOD, but he also has been an awesome friend and supporter of mine and THE-BOOK-OF-ROO

He actually is the reason ill be able to even start a podcast, awhile back he donated a professional microphone to me, this is someone that is not only young but also that never met me and he was still willing to do that, and let me just say: I give him a lot of credit for that in it self, because there are not to many people his age that are willing to give something thats worth so much to someone for free, especially a person that hes never physically spent time with. Hes been an incredible friend and blessing, so before I share his story I just wanted to share that and say to him personally thank you 🙂

Like I said Sean is 23 years old and is a rapper and producer and has just started his own label called rock water records and released his first single, or as he calls it, his first (Bible Beat) on itunes and amazon, called, White As Snow/Joy.

my first 3 questions I asked Sean was of course what every Christian wants to know, was he raised in the church? how did he come to know the LORD? and how long has he known the LORD? Here was his response to my questions .

I grew up in a Catholic church (and school, until 4th grade), so Jesus and God’s Word has always been a part of my life, but it never became my LIFE until about 4 years ago. I grew up praying and believing in God, but it was more of a religion than a relationship. It felt more like… “I have to do this to go to heaven” rather than “I want to do this because I love God & His ways.” Around age 11 or 12 my sister in law asked me if I wanted to be saved and accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. I said yes, and she said a saving prayer with me. She was a huge Godly influence in my life while I was growing up, as well as my sister and neighbors. There were always people in my life planting little seeds, but God had to water them and have them grow in His timing. When I grew up and got to high school I lost my way, like the prodigal son. My senior year I dabbled in sexual promiscuity, drinking and drugs and my life became a total mess. After graduation a lot of unexplainable events took place, I’m convinced it was Divine Intervention, and one night I just had a breakdown and I felt God say to me “You have a choice right now Sean, you can’t keep walking the line. You can choose Me or you can choose this life you have been living. My way leads to LIFE and the other leads to DEATH.” And that moment I decided to choose Jesus. That’s when my life changed forever. Around the time when all this was going on a new co-worker (who knew nothing about my personal life) asked me how I was doing and I just said I was fine but something compelled me to tell her how I was struggling with fear. So she opened up a Bible that she had in her purse and started reading from it then she talked to me about God. I knew that was a sign from The Lord that He cares about me and wants me on His side. I didn’t say much to her, but she asked if I wanted to keep her Bible and I said yes. Well, she wrote a note to me in that Bible (it’s still the only Bible I use to this day) and it’s something I look at from time to time when I feel down or discouraged. It says “Go with God my young friend. Jesus has big plans for you I already know – Rock on with that gift of bravery that you’ve been given!”. So I took that Bible and just dove right into it. I would read while working, on breaks, when I got home, before bed. I just consumed God’s Word and allowed Jesus to change my life from glory to glory. It hasn’t been easy all the time, but it has been worth it. So I guess that’s the short version of my testimony and story lol.

I met Sean not to long after he came to know the LORD and I tell him this every time we talk, but its amazing to see how GOD has transformed this mans life, I don’t even think he fully realizes everything GOD has done and has changed, but like I said I only know Sean from the net and from Beckah Shae, but just by reading his posts and having a few talks with him. he is so on when he says GOD really has changed his life from glory to glory. I never knew the Sean that he talks about in the beginning, but I did meet him not to long after GOD had started the transformation process and I just have to say, I give him tons of credit because I do see him growing more and more, and that man knows the word better than I do and thats huge for someone his age.

How many 23 year olds do you know that read the bible daily, and that choose to go home and read the bible instead of going out and getting them selves involved in things that are not good for them physically nor spiritually. I know 1 person and his name is Sean Giachetti LOL.

Now dont get me wrong, im not saying hes perfect, hes far from it LOL, but who is perfect? NO ONE, what im saying is, he loves the LORD and is someone that can really be an instrument and tool to show our young people that when you are going down that dark valley you have a choice and when you choose the right one, when you choose LIFE anything can happen, im sure if I were to have asked Sean today, if he ever imagined years ago back when he was that troubled lost kid that hed be starting his own label company hed probably say, that yes he may of wished it, but that he never planned or envisioned it.

During the rest of our interview I also asked Sean, when he first started his walk with the LORD, where was he? how far does he feels hes come in his walk? how much does he feel he has grown? Heres what he said: When I first started my walk I was broken, desperate, fearful, ashamed, abandoned, and lost. But I gave all that to God and just trusted in Him. I think that is the most important thing to do when you take that first step of faith, we just got to give our problems to The Lord and trust Him. And from glory to glory He will change us and make us NEW! Amen! I believe that our walk is always a work in progress, there will always be more to learn and more to grow in, but each step, stage, and season is important in progressing. Paul said “I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to posses that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.” – Philippians3:12

When I read Seans response to my question, GOD immediately reminded me of that song, its called every move I make, and here are some of the lyrics: Every move I make I make in You, You make me move Jesus, Every breath I take I breathe in You, Every step I take I take in You, You are my way Jesus, Every breath I take I breathe in You! that song is exactly what Sean was saying, just let GOD be your guide, your oxygen, your everything and when that happens, everything that you once were battling just all seems to disappear.

I also asked Sean stuff like, how he got involved in music and, does he have a home church and what gave him such a passion for music? and does anyone else in his family have a love for music like he does? I also asked Sean what he would say about his own music, what does his music represent? and who does he want his music to reach out to the most? Heres his answers to all those questions.

My dad was in a band in high school I believe, or maybe it was college I’m not too sure. He also plays the guitar really well. My sister is a singer, guitar player, and an AMAZING piano player. She’s always been a musical inspiration to me.

Music has always been a huge part of my life. I took piano and clarinet lessons as a kid, and I would always be writing lyrics as a kid. God would wake me up at night with lyrics and I would write them down. Another thing is, I remember back in 4th grade my neighbor and I would come home from school and sit outside (or inside when it was cold) and just listen to the radio all nigh until bedtime. We would call the radio DJ’s and talk with them for hours (literally hours, I’m not even joking) and we just lived and breathed music. All the DJ’s knew us by name and we actually got to go to the station as guest DJ’s and learned the ropes. We did that up until freshmen year of high school (so for about 5 years). She actually went on to produce music with her brother. I always thought I would be a radio DJ when I grew up because I’ve always had a passion for music, but God put a new seed in my heart in August of 2009. I remember it so clearly. I was on the corner of Ash and Queen on the way to my moms house and Group 1 Crew’s self titled album was playing and in that moment I thought “This is what I want to do, I want to make music that GLORIFIES GOD!” I remember saying that to myself in the car (I talk to myself a lot). But then I followed that up with saying “But I could never do that, I don’t have the talent.” I know God put that seed in my heart, but like any other seed it had to be watered at the right time in order for there to be a harvest. Then in January & May of 2010 I discovered an artist by the name of Beckah Shae, I think you might have heard of her Jackie ;). Anyway, I discovered her music and that was a changing point for me. I learned that her and her husband own their own record label and produce all their music themselves… in the comfort of their own home. This showed me that it IS possible to make quality music without a lot of resources (a huge studio like the ones you’ve seen on TV). From there I started making little songs (I learned that I could kind of rap) and I would just do the best I could with the resources that I had. The more I did it, the more resources God provided to make the music better. As long as I could reach out to 1 or 2 people and encourage & strengthen them, I would be happy. There’s a phrase that Beckah Shae says that I try and live by when it comes to music, and I’m going to switch up the words just a little bit here to relate it to what I do – “Make music to bless, not impress”. That’s what I try and do with my music.

I want my music to reach believers and non believers alike who are desperate for TRUTH (God’s Word). I want it to reach every part of the world possible. It’s the unique way that God has given me of spreading His Word.

The mission statement for my record label is “To encourage and strengthen fellow brothers & sisters in Christ, through songs filled with the Word of God and the Spirit of Truth & Love.” I want my music to be FILLED with God’s Word. That’s why I make Bible Beats, I believe God’s Word is SOOO important. It is the Rock that we are supposed to build our house upon (Matthew 7:24), it’s useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting & training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16), it’s our Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17, & it’s so much more than all that. If we’re followers of The Lord, we need to KNOW God’s Word and build our life upon it. So, I suppose my music represents building a life on God’s Word.

My very last question I asked Sean before asking him about his first bible beat ( first single), was who inspires him the most besides Jesus that is LOL. his answer: My sister in law inspires me a lot. She has endured so much and has kept her faith through it all, it reminds me of Job. My actual sister, Bethany, also inspires me. I’ve always looked up to her and have always wanted to have faith like she has. And Beckah & Jack Shocklee (owners of ShaeShoc records). Their music inspires me, their passion for Jesus inspires me, and the way they made their own business and ministry inspires me.

So as you can see Sean is very new in the music industry but is such an encouragement and his music and life story needs to get spread around more, so please help me get the word out about his music. For those of you who are new to reading THE-BOOK-OF-ROO, or maybe missed last months post, it was about our destiny and following after what we knew GOD has for us, so that is why I choose to introduce Sean this week, because not only is his music but also his life story all about that.

The last thing I asked Sean was for him to tell us about his first single, heres what he said: The first single I’m releasing is a Bible Beat and it is titled “White As Snow / Joy”. What are Bible Beats you might ask? Well, they are straight up Scripture set to the tune of an assortment of beats. This one in particular is set to a Christmas type beat, and is filled with Scripture from Isaiah and Romans. My hope for Bible Beats is to help people memorize and meditate on God’s word. The single was released to Itunes and Amazon MP3 on 11/27/12. Go & get yourself a copy! And send me a friends request on Facebook 🙂 Also, if you can’t afford the song or if you don’t have Itunes or Amazon MP3 just hit me up on Facebook & I will send you the song for free!

I Jackie Yafanaro, just have one little thing to say about that last comment Sean made, he has such a giving heart and only he would offer someone the song for free LOL, but I would like to remind you all that number one this song is only like $1 and if you cant afford a $1 song write me immediately because you need deep prayer and support your self LOL and if you truly are that bad off id like to help you myself LOL, and second, please, please I beg of you, dont take advantage of this poor guys generosity, he is offering to give people this song for free that cannot afford it, so dont go writing him if you can afford it, but just want it for free cause with all do respect but because your cheap LOL.

Lets remember this guy is trying to make a career out of this and a ministry, so please dont take advantage and if you can afford the song than please do buy it! also the video above is a video I created featuring Sean Giachetti’s music, so you all can get a better idea of what he looks like and sounds like, so please support him and me and watch the video.

Also just two really fast announcement before I end. As you all know THE-BOOK-OF-ROO has created its own bracelets that say O.I CAN DO ALL THINGS and it is to represent O.I, but also to represent that no matter what your circumstances are you truly can do all things, so even if you dont have O.I buy these for your self as a reminder that no matter what you can do all things.

Anyways we have created these bracelets and as you know have been selling them and part of the proceeds have been going to foundations of my choice and one of those being the OIF, OIF stands for the O.I FOUNDATION (Osteogenesis Imperfecta foundation), and recently I teamed up with someone from the foundation thats doing something called BBJB and for those of you that are not familiar with it, its sort of like wishbone day, that I talked about awhile back.

The O.I or pretty much any bone disease colors are a type of blue, so what BJBB is, is a day where the OIF is asking everyone to wear blue jeans in honor of and to raise awareness for O.I and they are selling stickers and wristbands too, that you can share with all your friends and family to raise awareness about O.I and the money that is raised goes Directly to OIF and they have allowed me and my little wristbands and website to also be a part of this,

So you basically have the option to go to the link below and donate directly to the OIF and request their little sticker and wristband package, or you can buy the wristbands from me and part of the money will go to OIF still, its basically just a way to get OIF and THE-BOOK-OF-ROO to team up to get the word out about each other, they have made a page about me on the OIF if you would like to read my bio on there and donate to them, than please do, the link is below, I have also added the link if you would like to buy from ROO’S TREASURES or if you would like to donate to THE-BOOK-OF-ROO, remember all the money THE-BOOK-OF-ROO makes is greatly appreciated and is the start to help me bring the website to the next level.

Because again my dream is not only to start a foundation, but also a ministry and write and publish my own book, but all this stuff costs lots and lots of money to build, so please I need your help to make this all possible, and if there is someone who is reading this that feels compelled to give but yet does not know how to work ROO’S TREASURES (online store) or THE-BOOK-OF-ROO donation page, or maybe someone does not have a paypal account, than please contact me privately at and I will give you the address where you can send money, no matter if it be for a O.I can do all things bracelet, or just a donation.

Please don’t take it as me being disrespectful or trying to take advantage of you all, I am not doing that, but again, as I grow I am getting more of a vision about what GOD wants this to be, but with that also comes more and more expenses and I truly know I cannot do this on my income, but I truly do feel GODS turning this in to more of a ministry than a website and so thats why I feel its ok to start asking for donations, and I pray and hope all my readers can understand where im coming from.

I would like to thank the people who have given to THE-BOOK-OF-ROO already and also I would like to mention Sean Giachetti once more and would like to thank him once more for taking the time to create a beat aka a song for my podcast that ill be starting soon, he really took that seriously and didn’t just throw anything at me he really made sure it sounded perfect before offering it to me and I really appreciate that, so thanks again buddy 🙂

Well as always its a blessing to minister to you all and thank you all for your support and encouraging words throughout the year, and I pray that THE-BOOK-OF-ROO will continue to grow and be stronger as the years go by and I pray it be in existence for years and years to come.






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January 18, 2013



As you all know I said in my last blog I would be spicing things up a bit, by talking about things based on more than just my life.  I will be doing interviews with different Christian singers, producers, writers and artists of all kinds and it will all be happening right here on THE-BOOK-OF-ROO so keep checking the site.  GOD is so good the people I have made connections with, without even leaving my house is amazing and I never imagined in my wildest dreams id be connected with these people it is something only GOD could have done and since I made all these connections I figured, heck I might as well take advantage of it lol. So within the next 48 hours ill be posting my first official interview I cannot wait!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU ALL TO READ IT YAHOOOO!!! GOD is soo GOOD, I WILL BE BACK SOON KEEP CHECKING AND WILL ANYONE GUESS WHO MY FIRST INTERVIEW WILL BE WITH??? I BET YOU CANT HEHEHE 🙂



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