Archive for November 2012


November 13, 2012

JOHN 11:25


 Hi all my, THE-BOOK-OF-ROO peeps, I am so sorry its been ages since I wrote a blog I know, but I have some good reasons as to why that is and actually they kind of go hand in hand with what I am centering this blog on LOL (laugh out loud).
AS you all know from my last blog, I went through a pretty excuse my language, but hellish year LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD) thats the only word I can think of to describe the year I had. But even though I had a crazy insane year I would not of traded it for anything, and when I said in one of my first blogs in the beginning of the year, that this year would be a year of blessings and one of the best yet, I meant it and I still do mean it.
Because even through the struggles GOD continued to bless me and had his hands on me the entire time, and after I wrote that last blog a few months ago, I felt the LORD telling me to take some time off of blogging and grow, so thats what I been doing these past few months, I been learning a lot about how to run and design websites and how to make and produce videos and most importantly how to write, and youtube has become my new best friend LOL (laugh out loud)
Since I think, july of 2010 GOD has put the word DESTINY on my heart, what does the word destiny mean?? and do we even realize the importance of that word, do we even comprehend what that word means or how strong of a word that is???
Over the past year or longer I have been trying to understand how strong that word DESTINY is and why GOD had laid that word on my heart so deeply.  The Lord really knows how to make me laugh, during this whole time of the LORD laying that word on me, I found out Beckah Shae, and yes im bringing her in to the picture once again LOL (laugh out loud), I found out she was releasing a new CD and the name of that CD would be called DESTINY!!!!
So I decided to make a video about two songs she did on the destiny album the songs are called, are you ready?? and of course the other is called DESTINY and is what the whole album is based on, so please watch the video along with reading this blog or you wont get the full effect of what im taking about LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD).
So what does destiny mean? Well I think it depends on the person, but heres what the definition of the word destiny is.
It says: it is a predetermined course of events.  So heres what I get out of it, yes GOD holds our destiny, but we determine our steps, which than determines what GOD does.  Proverbs 6:32 says:   But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.
When we read that scripture we mostly focus on the fact that they are talking about committing adultery right? Well for today I dont want you to focus on that word, or the fact that they even said the word adultery, I want you to focus on the fact that they are talking about a choice man is making and how that one choice can interfere with their destiny.
In a way think of it as a choice between good and evil, GOD says a man that commits adultery has no sense and whoever does so destroys himself, destroys himself!.  Can you believe that one wrong decision in life and you can literally destroy yourself??
The point im trying to make is that people take choices in life for granted, but our choices are what makes us. People my age always give excuses and when they make the wrong choice they say: oh well im young, or im just having a little fun, or the best one I have heard them say is, im trying to find myself.  Hearing that kind of crap kills me, because its not that easy or that simple your choices effect your future, your destiny.
Even the small choices in life can affect our destiny, its time we wake up and stop taking advantage of our lives and start really thinking about the choices we make in our lives.
Philippians 3:18-19 says:  For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their destiny is destruction, their GOD is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.
Dont be like this, stop setting your minds on earthly things, life is to short for that, set your mind on the destiny GOD has for you, not man.  I been hearing so many people lately complaining about the future of our country and how they think one man can just destroy everything we worked so hard to build, Christians are the ones saying this kind of stuff and it is devastating to me, because if we are “SAVED” ( a Christian) than are we not covered by the blood of Jesus? isn’t that why Jesus died for us to protect us from this kind of thing?
Listen I dont know the president personally and so I dont know whats in that mans heart and either do any of you, there are many, many evil people in this world, im not saying the president is one of those people, but lets just say for a minute that he is, ok than what??? do you really think that one man can change the course of our destiny?? no only GOD and our flesh can change the course of our destiny.
Stop living  in fear!!! I always say life’s a battle so fight, and just for the record, I actually am for president Obama,  but the president does not own us or our destiny, so again ill say shut up and stop your whining and live your life to the fullest and live it joyfully Because as a child of GOD we can make a difference just as much as the president can.
Which brings me to my next point, what have you done in your own life to make a difference in this world?? what have you sacrificed?  No matter if you agree with Obamas decisions and choices or not, you can not deny that man and any other man that has gone before him has not sacrificed their lives to make our country the best it could be, may be they have stumbled along the way a little, but dont we all?? Oh but Jackie hes the president he should know better, no hes a human being just like the rest of us, he has flaws just like the rest of us, he has scars just like the rest of us, he bleeds just like the rest of us, and why, because again hes a human being, thats the difference between man and GOD.
Thats why Obama is called the president of our country and the LORD is called the LORD over all things.  So may be you dont agree with everything, but hey at least the mans trying, im not saying we should all try to be president ok LOL (laugh out loud) but im saying every one of us can choose things that can make a difference in this world, but do we always do that?? I know I dont, and I think its time that changes, we need to stop being lazy and pull out that armor!!
Habakkuk 2:2-3 says: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.  For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.  Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. when I read that scripture it reminded me of when I was growing up.  You see years ago my dads dream was to start a landscaping company, and his dream was to have a tractor and a red truck and many other things that you obviously need to start a landscaping business, and at the time he had no clue how to make all these dreams come true. He was young, never finished school and definitely did not have many people in his life that could guide or encourage him, all he pretty much had was his faith and GODS word, and my mom LOL (laugh out loud). But that was enough for him, he started his business the same year I was born, which honestly that did not make it any easier. When I was born and both him and my mom realized how sick I was they could of both said hold it, we cant do this, its to risky right now, But they did not walk in fear, they did not let the shock of my birth or the many challenges we faced stop them, they still went through with it, and when they made that choice to start Alpha & Omega landscaping and snowplowing my dad carved a scripture on a plack that said.
Hebrews 11:1 it says:  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  And when he made that plack he than went and found little toy trucks and tractors and placed them in front of that sign and every day he looked at that sign and believed in faith that those toy trucks and tractors would become reality one day.
And you know what everything he prayed for and everything he stood on faith for and patiently waited for, GOD gave him, exactly like he wanted down to the color of the trucks even LOL (laugh out loud)
Now dont get me wrong im not saying he did all this and it instantly happened, it took years to achieve everything he achieved, but he did it, even though he had many people thinking he could not do it, he did, he started a landscaping business from the ground up.
And that landscaping business is what not only put food on the table, but is also what gave us everything we have.  Why am I bringing all this up you ask? to show you that if you stay on GODS path and follow the destiny you know he has for you, it will come to pass.
It may take years like my dads did, but it still came to pass.  I and my parents were told time and time again from the day I was born that I would never have a future or a destiny, and that I would be dead within weeks, but we stood on GODS word and his promises.
I stood on scriptures like, Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the
bones, or Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and any time I felt like I was battling this disease alone I would be reminded of, Isaiah 49:16 that says this,  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;  your walls are ever before me.
Our country has gone through so much this month with hurricane Sandy, and if that didn’t teach us how instantly our life’s could change than nothing will, enjoy life, dont dwell on it.
Proverbs 18:10 says:  The name of the Lord is a fortified tower the righteous run to it and are safe.  You all know a lot of my story and especially what I had gone through over the past winter, and it started to get very stressful as I had said in a past blog, and it came to a point where I was at a loss on what to do and I had started to question the destiny GOD had for me.
And it came to a point where I had to do exactly what proverbs 18:10 says I had nothing else left in me and all I could do anymore was just literally run to GOD and give him it all.  I remember right before that last surgery I felt so uplifted I truly did feel GOD holding me in that room.
Even though the surgery did not work out perfectly and yes I still get stomachaches from time to time, I still believe it did help in a way, I have been sick here and there, but I have not had to be admitted in to any hospital since Easter, and for me thats like a world record LOL (laugh out loud).
The past few weeks I had been praising GOD and really just trying to get my mind back on focusing on this website and you know some times when things are going really well for you and your filled with joy, the devil can try to take that away from you, and I dont know how you all believe ,that read my blogs, but I believe you can have spiritual encounters and some are good and some are bad and I think you have to determine whats, what.
And recently I was half asleep and half awake and all of a sudden I seen this ugly looking thing, that I dont even know if it was male or female, im thinking female but I dont know LOL (laugh out loud) and this thing kept smirking at me and started whispering the word death to me.
And when it first appeared it was all the way in the corner of my room and it kept moving closer and closer to me till it was standing over my bed and it went to put its hands around my neck while saying the word death and I forced myself to fully wake up and I just started praying.
And I was like ok what the heck was that about?? Even though I had experienced this creepy thing I wasn’t in fear, I prayed and the LORD started showing me what this was about, and what it was about is this.
Some times when we go to achieve things in our destiny we become crippled in fear and that is so, so sad, the devil does stuff naturally every day to cripple us, to disable us, and yes I know interesting choice of words coming from me LOL (laugh out loud) but its true there are things in every corner of our lives trying to disable us, when that devil tried to speak death over me, I could of let fear take over and I could of said oh my GOSH, am I finally dying?? but I didn’t, when that thing said the word death, I didn’t even react to it, because I knew it was a scare tactic,
I knew it was trying to take some thing that it knew I was sensitive about and use it against me and I knew to be smarter than that.  We have to be strong and know that we are covered by the blood of JESUS and no man nor devil can put fear in us or speak death over our lives ever, so next time you feel fear kicking in,  or someone starts speaking death over you, do what I did and kick it to the curb.
Ok just two fast announcements and than im done, part of my journey these past few months has been figuring out what way GOD wanted me to expand this website, and I finally received my answer.  As you all know I love writing, not just about my life but also about music, so what I am going to do is start a page where I interview different artists that have touched my heart over the years
And actually I already have three interviews started with three amazing christian artists and I cannot wait to share them all with you.  Also the second thing the LORD had been showing me is that, this is becoming not just a website not just a business not just a blog but also a ministry, and I dont mean this in a disrespectful or rude or selfish way, but building  a business or ministry can become very expensive at times LOL (laugh out loud) and so one of the things I started on here was a online store.
The LORD has been giving me different ideas over the months and my first creation is these lovely bracelets below and they say O.I CAN DO ALL THINGS and of course what that represents is Philippians 4:13 but also what it represents is the disease I am battling, which is called O.I (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) and is another reason why the bracelets say O.I instead of just I CAN DO ALL THINGS, also the reason why they are yellow, is because yellow is what most people with O.I use to represent O.I.  You can find these bracelets on the side of my home page or on my facebook page, which again is THE-BOOK-OF-ROO I also have added a link at the bottom of this blog that will bring you to the store page, just to warn you though, as of right now we only accept paypal.
The money I collect from these bracelets will go partly towards the O.I foundation or rainbows babies and children’s hospital here in Ohio.
Also if you do not want to buy a bracelet but yet feel led to give a donation to THE-BOOK-OF-ROO you can on the facebook page, just click the box that says donate, again though please be warned THE-BOOK-OF-ROO only accepts paypal as of right now.
The reason im also trying to raise money, is not only to build the site up and help other foundations, but my dream or my goal, is to one day have enough funds raised to start my own foundation,  to help others, so that is also why im doing all of this LOL (laugh out loud).
Well this is another long blog but I really hope you enjoyed it and I really hope you keep reading and following me.  Ill end with this and than ill shut up I promise LOL (laugh out loud), I was having a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago and GOD reminded me of one of the first scriptures we learn in the bible as a kid in children’s church, Do you know what it is?? its
1 Samuel  17:49  it says: Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.  It is talking about David and Goliath.  The LORD reminded me of this because he wanted to prove to me once again, how he wants a fearless generation.  He wants people that are small and weak in the natural, but that are huge in the spirit to get out there and fight like david.
Complaining and expressing your feelings on facebook isn’t fighting for your destiny, GOD wants you to be brave and fearless we need to be a david generation and get out there and fight for our destiny.  Anyone that knows me can tell you I have given every ounce that is in me to fight for my destiny and I will continue doing so all the days of my life.  GOD BLESS YOU ALL THANKS FOR READING REMEMBER I LOVE YOU AND AM PRAYING FOR YOU ALL AND PLEASE DONT FORGET TO SEND IN YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS TO MY PRAYER REQUEST PAGE. AND REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.  Below is the link to bracelets and facebook page




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