Archive for March 2018


March 5, 2018

The book of rooMATTHEW 7:12


Hi all, I know it’s been awhile since I wrote but life has been pretty hectic lately. People may think I’m not busy because I do not leave my house much, but trust me I have my hands full. I’m up almost every Night till at least 2AM focusing on finishing this book! Plus I got about 6 different Companies that me and my Mom partnered with and sell products for. We are doing it not to “Make Money” but are doing it to hopefully earn a little extra cash to put towards my book because I do not always want to go asking you all for donations all the time LOL. Speaking of the book it’s going fantastic, we’re almost at the finish line, but I probably will be another two weeks behind schedule and that’s because it’s my choice to push the release date back and the reason why that is. Is because I got to know a lovely Lady who is a Christian artist and writer and she is willing to look over my book and hopefully be able to give me some feed back and constructive criticism to help improve what I have already written. So that you all could truly enjoy and understand my story!

As far as my life in general and health, things are great. GOD IS SO GOOD! he truly is a miracle maker. I’m not going to say I’m never sick, because I am, I’m sick all the time and it’s still a struggle to leave the house at times. But I also am not nearly as sick as I was two Years ago and I am finally able to occasionally leave my house and actually enjoy things when I do leave. And the best part and still hard for my brain to comprehend and even accept yet. But I have not thrown up in over a Year. Now a heathy “average” person who does not struggle with health issues may not fully comprehend how big of a deal that is, but it’s huge it’s like the ultimate blessing and gift that the LORD could have ever given me. I went from spending weeks, and months in the hospital to now going on almost two years without a single admission. If I make it to October I’ll have had no admissions for TWO YEARS! and if that happens it will be the first time in my entire life (31 Years) that has happened. If I do not make the two year mark it will be ok and I’ll understand and I’ll be grateful for the time I have had to enjoy, but a girl can dream can’t she? LOL.

Now as grateful as I am for being HEALTHY, did the word Healthy just come out of my Mouth? You bet it did BABY!! LOL but even tho im thrilled about that, as you all can tell LOL. That still is not the reason I decided to write this blog. Even though I love any opportunity I can get to come on here and chat with you all, I still do not come on for small talk. As I told you all from day one and continue to tell you every time I write. I do not come and write just when I feel like it. Any time I come on here it is because the LORD is speaking to me and laying something on my heart to share.

I had no idea I’d be writing a article this week, this wasn’t even on my radar. That is until the past 2-3 days. The LORD started speaking to me after an incident I went through with a fellow Facebook friend and “Customer”. You see about 4 days ago I was in the middle of a Facebook live. I go on Facebook live 2-3 times a week and a feature Jewelry. Paparazzi Accessories $5 Jewelry to be exact LOL. Some of you may have heard of this Company before. Honestly out of all the companies I have sold for I’m doing the best with this company, but that’s besides the point, let’s get back to my story.

So anyways I set everything up and I got on Facebook live and started showing everything I had for sale (some of you may have seen me on before) So I get on Facebook and I start doing my thing and I notice this one viewer who has come on my lives several times and who has tried several times to get my attention, but has never purchased anything. I respectfully Acknowledged this person every single time they came on, but at same time I always kept a wall up because I just felt in my gut this person was after something more than jewelry. I also couldn’t understand why they would come on every time and never buy anything. But than I yelled at myself for thinking that way and I told myself I was becoming to judgmental and I had to remember I didn’t know this persons circumstances. Maybe they couldn’t afford to buy anything, or maybe they just liked to watch. So I continued to allow this person to watch and every time they came on. I was very respectful, but still something kept telling me to keep my guard up. Than in my last live they finally requested to buy a few pieces of my jewelry and even said they might sign up under ROOS TREASURES (mine and my Moms business name) so than I felt really guilty. I was like oh my gosh I feel so awful for judging this lovely Christian person and I started to beat myself up about it. I kept saying how could I judge a Christian church going person like that! I was very embarrassed. Than after the live I sent this person a invoice, which is my routine and right away they answered me and started chatting me up and that’s when they told me they may sign up under Roos Treasures,

So when they said that, than I felt extra guilty and than they started giving me all these compliments and saying how much they would love to be a part of the company. But than in the same breath they made fun of my disability and even criticized how I do things. But I allowed this person to talk to me like that because I thought I was getting a big sale out of it. This person had the nerve to even make fun of my arms being bent and basically said I should have a helper because of it and basically told me I can’t handle doing this on my own because of my disability. Of course when I confronted them about this comment they than said that wasn’t what they meant. But I’m going to let you all be the judge. When a person says it must be hard with your T-rex arms how would you take that?

Thank God I know who created me and I know I am created in his PERFECT IMAGE! and people like this do not make me feel any less of a person. My parents along with the LORD raised a FIGHTER! this persons comment and what they put me through next (Because yes there’s more to this story) but it did not make me sad or upset, it made me ANGRY. And made me not only want to stand up for myself but also stand up for all Special needs people, especially Adults! Which is why I’m writing this blog.

Out of respect for this person I am not putting their name or even if they were male or female, because my intentions are not to blast them on social media. But my intention for this article is to share my story to help, and encourage others, disabled or not!

After that person made the comment about having T-Rex arms and stating that because of my T-Rex arms I wasn’t very organized or capable of handling this. They than asked if they could give me a “word” you know a word from God, a “PROPHECY”. Yep you heard that right, let’s try to break someone’s spirit in one breathe and the next give a “word”.

Of course the “Word” they gave me was nothing different than anything others have said to me. Jackie I see God stretching your arms and legs! I must have gotten this same “word” over a dozen times. With as many times as people said GODS going to “stretch” me. I should be about 8 feet tall by now LOL. To anyone who sees a person in similar conditions as I’m in. I know your first instinct is going to be to go over to the person and give them a word just like this and I know you mean well. And when I say this I’m not trying to be disrespectful to any of you, please know that. I say this with nothing but respect. But don’t waste your time giving that word. Number 1 most people in my condition have much more to worry about than our hight and our bent arms and legs. How about our heart conditions, our constrictive lung issues, or digestive system issues. The list goes on and on. But my point is we have a lot more to worry about than our bones being small and bent. So GOD needs to do a lot more than grow us. We need a Miracle, not a “healing”. There’s a big difference between those two things and I totally believe the LORD could do it for me and anyone of us. But here’s a newsflash, as far as I go, he has done a miracle on me. I am a living breathing 24/7 miracle, and like I told that person on Facebook. God already took what was broken and made it Beautiful. He made me and my life a beautiful living miracle. So you all can keep your straight arms and legs I am who I am supposed to be! Because the outer shell is not what makes me Jackie! It’s what’s in my heart, my soul, my spirit. And GOD has done a miracle in that time and time again.

After that night with that person on Facebook.. 48 hours passed and of course they still didn’t pay their invoice for the jewelry they supposedly wanted. So I went to them and nicely asked them what they wanted me to do. At first they told me oh don’t worry hun I definitely want them I just can’t pay till Thursday. So I said ok no problem and continued to wait and also hold on to the pieces they supposedly wanted (that I could have sold to someone else). Than Thursday came and at 1AM I get a message from this person stating that they were sorry but that they won’t be joining the company under Roos Treasures. They decided to join under another seller. If this person would have said that and nothing more I would have been fine with it. Them not joining under Roos Treasures is irrelevant to the story. But what they said next is what got me angry. They said I just feel your not organized and that you can’t really handle this! I said: wow that’s a little rude but ok! They said: oh hun I’m not trying to be rude I just have to make money and I’m not going to if I join under you! I need someone that can mentor me.

Now the sad thing about everything this person said is number 1, they never asked me how I ran things or what my routine was. They also never asked what Roos Treasures numbers were as far as sales. But judged me by how I look. No one in my condition and under my circumstances is more organized than me. I live in a very small house and I only have so much room to showcase things. I also cannot put things to far away from me because of the fact that I can’t sit up or walk. So for a 25 inch lady who can only put stuff in a circle around them and who can only put it about a foot away from their body. I think I’m pretty gosh darn organized and good at this. I’m not saying I don’t have things to learn because we all can improve. But I’m doing gosh darn well for someone in my condition! I know every single piece Roos Treasures owns and I have everything numbered and bags for each person so when they buy I know exactly where it all goes. But that person didn’t see what I was doing behind the scenes because I can’t fully have the camera on me because I focus the camera on the jewelry which is what we’re there for. I will be honest I feel very bad for that person on Facebook because whoever they go with has made them think certain things that sadly aren’t true. Their sales ladies they make you think their going to be there for you and help you make a million dollars. I don’t play that game I’m honest and realistic. I mentor and Guide Roos Treasures team no matter how much they have in sales, where sadly these other ladies only pay attention and encourage you if they see your sales building high.

This experience has taught me 4 things. Number 1 when you feel those alarms going off in your brain and when you feel someone’s bad news, listen to that warning. That warning is usually the LORD and is right on. I told you all from the start I knew that person on Facebook was bad news even though they didn’t give me any reason to feel that way, I still did. Don’t fall for the trap thinking you always need a reason to feel certain ways about people. The Lord knows each of our hearts more than we do, so he knows whose real and whose not. So if we start to hear those sirens going off in our brain we have to realize that’s him trying to warn us. Number 2 do not let people manipulate you with money. If anyone else would have made that comment about having T-Rex arms. I would have blasted them and the nice sweet CHRISTIAN Jackie would have went out the window, I won’t lie to you. I allowed myself to convince myself it was ok for this person to talk to me like that because I didn’t want to blow the sale. Seriously, is a $110-$115 sale worth all that? Yes that’s how much in sales I would have made because to join it’s $100 and than they wanted to buy 3 extra pieces so that would have made me another $15. But is it worth it? Is it really ok for people to talk to us like dogs just to get a $100 sale? I’m sorry but it’s not worth it to me, I value myself more than that.

Number 3 don’t let money blind you! And don’t let people control you. I believe that person on Facebook knew exactly what they were doing. I believe that person was trying to get my attention for months and I believe they finally found a way to get it. So they could not only be nosey and find out everything they could about me. But I also think they wanted that moment to have what I call their 5 minutes of glory! And what I mean by that is. Christians some times think of praying over people or “prophesying” like their moment, their 5 minutes of fame. Their moment to make themselves feel “spiritual”. Which is another reason I’m mad at myself because I have never allowed a Christian to get away with that with me. But I allowed this person to sort of do what they wanted and all because I wanted the sale! Really… Shame on me! I’m more mad at myself for allowing that all to go down, than I am at that Facebook person.

After this all went down I prayed about it all night and I said ok GOD what do I do to make the world aware of these issue? What can I do to make a difference? First I thought make a post on Facebook! Than I thought no I need something more. I don’t just want to share my thoughts, I want to teach these kind of people a lesson, I want to make a difference:. Than it hit me. Let’s try making a bad situation good. Let’s try to make the most in sales than I’ve ever made and let’s do it in less than one month! So starting today till March 25th I am going to work my butt off to try to get over 100 pv (Personal volume) 8 pieces of jewelry is 50 pv and our jewelry is only $5 a piece so this shouldn’t be to hard. My ultimate goal though is to go beyond the 100 pv. Because if that happens you all would truly make my dream come true. Because if that happens than what I’m going to do is this. Any money that comes in after hitting the 100 pv I’m going to give away to one lucky adult with special needs. I’m going to write up a application and have them all fill it out and whose ever story connects with my heart the most I’m going to share the money with them.

There’s three reasons I decided to try this. Number one: I want to prove to every judgmental person out there that I can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME and no man or woman will define me by my disability! Secondly I do not want to make the mistake that the person on Facebook made. What I mean by that is this. That person on Facebook had an opportunity to make a real difference, one that would have made a much bigger impact than praying over me or prophesying. They had an opportunity to build me up, to support me, to encourage me, to stand by me. To truly show what the love of Christ is supposed to look like and be! In my opinion they chose the selfish way. Which is why I’m choosing to try to earn enough money to bless someone.

It’s sad because when your a child with special needs you get all the attention in the world and no one would dream of saying the things that person on Facebook said to me. They would have done everything In their power to build me up if I was a special needs child. But it’s sad because it’s like when we become adults we don’t get the support we once had. It’s like people toss us aside. You barely see people doing nice things for an adult with special needs and that breaks my heart. Because. I’m blessed beyond words with people and a family who loves me and who hold me up. But sadly that’s rare, because most special needs adults have no one. Because either their family passed away or their family got tired of caring for them and tossed them in a nursing home, (I’m not saying that to sound harsh I’m just giving the facts). Either scenario is heart breaking to me and I thank GOD every day that I’m not in their shoes. But just because I am not in their shoes does not mean I don’t understand and it certainly doesn’t mean it’s ok or acceptable. It’s like out of sight out of mind! I won’t allow that. I have the ability to make a difference with your help. So I’m giving you all 3 options. Option number 1. Share this article everywhere, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Anywhere you can think of share it, even share it at your local Church. Secondly go to the link below and buy off my website. Even if it’s just one piece, one piece is only $5. Or you could contact me via FB and purchase a piece from my home stock, and the advantage of that is you won’t pay as much for shipping and also you won’t pay tax! Shipping on the website is like $6. Shipping through Roos Treasures (Home stock) is only $3.50. So if you’d like to buy on the site the links below. Also Roos Treasures Facebook page link is below too. So if you want to buy from my home stock just click on there to contact me and if you don’t have Facebook just contact me on here. Come on my Roosters please help me achieve this goal! Again it’s not for me it’s for us all. Let’s prove people with special needs can achieve more than just breathe an give “inspirational speeches”. Let’s also prove that when we rally together as a community we can achieve anything!

I know this was a touchy subject to write on and I truly hope you all understand where I’m coming from. I’m not attacking Christians nor am I saying I don’t believe in the spiritual side of things. I totally do and like I said from the start I do believe in miracles! But at the same time miracles in this way are rare. So if your going to give someone that kind of prophecy you better know that you know that you know your hearing from the Lord and not going on feelings. Don’t react just because you see someone who you think needs that word. Gods got it covered and if their meant for that miracle or a miracle like mine. Than the LORDS going to tell them Long before you!

That’s it for today all, sorry for writing such a long article today LOL. Keep being that light in the dark and please remember showing the love of Christ is more than raising your hands in church and praying over people and tossing bibles at them. It’s encouraging them, it’s helping the hurting and I mean truly helping. Paying someone’s phone bill, buying someone whose is cold a winter coat, holding someone’s hand when their scared, sitting with someone who feels lonely. Those are true examples of showing the love of Christ! GOD BLESS AND THANKS FOR SUPPORTING ME TIME AND TIME AGAIN KEEP SHINING FOR CHRIST😘



Hey all don’t forget about my Patreon Campaign. A Patreon Campaign is basically a partnership. There’s different dollar amounts you can commit to giving. There’s one as low as $5.00 and what I like about this program is, it is not just about giving, it’s about giving and receiving. To all those who commit to giving. There are different prizes/gifts you all get in return for giving. For example: Anyone who commits to donating $50 a Month. I will send you a THE-BOOK-OF-ROO magnet, a OI CAN DO ALL THINGS wristband and I will give some Perfectly Posh Products. That’s just the $50 level reward but there’s some other great rewards on the site too plus anyone who joins no matter how much they commit to giving. They will automatically be among the first to receive my book. So check it out. Patreon Campaign Click here

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4496 Mahoning Avenue #911 Youngstown, OH 44515

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